Communications » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Welcome to Park Village!

Dear Students, Parents and/or Guardians,


I hope that this message finds you well and excited for the upcoming school year at Park Village and Connect Academy. As the proud Principal of both wonderful schools, I am thrilled to welcome each of you to a year of growth, learning and discovery.


As we embark on this academic year, I want to emphasize our commitment to fostering excellence and joy in learning. We are dedicated to creating an atmosphere where students are inspired to explore, question, and think creatively. Our dedicated team of educators is passionate about providing learning opportunities that encourage critical thinking and ignite curiosity.


We want to develop well-rounded humans who not only excel academically but also contribute positively to their communities. Character development and social emotional learning are woven throughout lessons providing multiple opportunities for students to practice positive citizenship.


I am truly honored to be a part of the Park Village and Connect Academy Community. Here’s to a fantastic year full of growth, discovery, and countless celebrations.


In partnership,

Amie Tillman


Park Village Elementary School and Connect Academy 


School hours for 2023-24:

  • Grades 1-5 Schedule: Monday-Friday   8:45 am – 2:45 pm
  • TK Schedule: 8:45 am – 1:00 pm


  • Kindergarten Schedule: 8:45 am – 2:35 pm (Beginning September 25, 2023)


  • Kindergarten Transition Days: August 16, 2023 - September 24, 2023 : 8:45-12:45 PM

Classroom Assignments:

Parents/Guardians will be able to access classroom assignments beginning August 15th at 12:01 a.m. by visiting  Log in with your parent PUSD login, click on the Canvas icon, and you will see a  tile for each class your student(s) are enrolled in.  If you do not know or have forgotten your PUSD login information, please visit

Please note: It is possible that these assignments may change due to changes in enrollment.

Before School Supervision:

The playground will be open to students in the morning beginning at 8:25 a.m. No supervision will be provided before 8:30 a.m. so students should not arrive at school before this time. Once students arrive, they may not leave unless a parent or other authorized person comes to the office to sign them out. To ensure the safety of our children, you will be required to show identification when you pick up your child.


School Breakfast/ Lunch:

PUSD provides breakfast and lunch to all students free of charge pursuant to the California Universal Meals Program.  Free meals are available to all families, regardless of their free or reduced-price meal eligibility status. Breakfast service will begin at 8:20 am and end at 8:30 am. Students will report directly to the playground after eating breakfast. Students not eating breakfast need to arrive when the playground opens at 8:30 am.
Meal program details are provided on the Food and Nutrition Department website at PUSD Food and Nutrition. Families are still encouraged to submit a school meal application for free and reduced-priced meal benefits because this information may be used for other programs such as Federal and State funding for your school, reduced registration fees for academic tests, free or discounted fees for bus passes, ESS childcare, and athletic programs, discounted rates for internet service and many more!  The application can be found online at . Applications must be submitted on an annual basis. 


Medication at School:

If your child requires medication at school, the “Authorization for Medication Administration”  form must be completed and signed by a CA physician and parents.  The form can be located per the link below.  All medication must be provided in the original container along with the completed medical form by an adult to the school site on or after the first day of school.  This form is required for all prescription and over the counter medications including but not limited to supplements, cough drops, inhalers, pain medications, etc.  If your child needs to self-carry a medication, please contact the school site health technician for guidance. 
For children with allergies, please provide the Life-Threatening Allergy form signed by a CA physician and parents along with an epipen to the health office by the first day of school.
For additional information on student medication and medication administration, please visit the PUSD Health Services webpage.

School Supplies: 

Bicycle Riding:

Only students in grades 3, 4, and 5 may ride a bicycle to school. Children must wear a helmet, provide a lock for the bicycle, and follow safety rules/laws. A permission form, obtained from the office, must be completed and on file with the office for students who wish to ride their bikes to school. Bikes must be walked once on school grounds. No rollerblades, scooters of any kind or skateboards are allowed on campus.

Parking Lot Drop Off & Pick Up:

When dropping off and picking up students in the parking circle please drive all the way around the outer edge of the circle then pull all the way forward to drop off/pick up your child at the curb. Do not let your child out of the car until you are stopped at the edge of the curb. Never leave your car unattended in the loading zone. If you need to enter the school campus for any reason, please park your car in a designated space in the lot or on the street.

Extended Student Services (ESS):

Park Village provides an ESS program, which is a fee-based before and after school childcare program.
A student's enrollment at an elementary school does not guarantee them ESS enrollment.  All students wishing to participate in ESS must be registered through the PUSD ESS department. Please access the Park Village ESS webpage for enrollment instructions and fees.

Park Village is a closed campus: Once children arrive, they may not leave unless a parent or other authorized person comes to the office to sign a release. To insure the safety of our children, you will be required to show I.D. when you pick up your student.