Principal's Message
Hello, Park Village Community and Families!
We are so excited to start a new school year, and we are all looking forward to connecting with you next week. Preparing to be ready for school can be an exciting time, and we also recognize that sometimes it may feel overwhelming. We hope that this communication will help everyone feel a bit less overwhelmed and a lot more connected to what we know will be a great kickoff to an incredible school year!
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year at Park Village! This will undoubtedly be a fantastic year and we are excited to welcome our students back to campus. Below are a few important reminders and updates that should set each family up for success in the days ahead.
New Families: Get a preview of our campus on Thursday, August 14, 2024 at 5:00pm.
TK: Come join us on Tuesday, August 20th from 5pm to help us kick off the new school year!
Kinder: Come join us on Monday, August 19th from 5:00pm to help us kick off the new school year!
IMPORTANT: Beginning of the Year:
- First 6 weeks of Kindergarten (8:45 am-12:45 pm). Students will have lunch prior to dismissal.
- First Full day of school for Kindergarten is October 1, 2024 (dismissal 2:35 pm)
Class Assignments: Families will be able to access their Class Assignments through ParentVue on August 20th Log in with your parent PUSD login, click on the Canvas icon, and you will see a tile for each class your student(s) are enrolled in. If you do not know or have forgotten your PUSD login information, please visit
First Day of School: The first day of school is such an exciting time filled with hugs, high-fives, and photos. Between 8:35 - 8:45 am we invite you to come on campus and walk your child to class. All parents will need to exit campus by 8:55am to allow our teachers to begin class. For the safety of our students and staff, PVES is a closed campus. After the first day, families are asked to drop their students off at the gates at the front of school. Click here to view a map of the parking lot drop-off / pick-up traffic flow.
Minimum Days for the 2024-2025 School Year (school out at 12:55 pm)
October 7
October 8
Conference Week
June 12 (Last day of school)
Pupil Free Days for the 2024-2025 School Year
September 30, January 27, April 1
Transportation & Safety
Traffic: When entering our main parking lot, please pay attention to the flow of traffic. Families are asked to drop their students off at the gates at the front of school. Click here to view a map of the parking lot drop-off / pick-up traffic flow.
Bikes/E-bikes/Scooters/Skateboards: Students who elect to ride bicycles or scooters (grades 3 and above) are responsible for providing their own helmet and locks to use in conjunction with our bike racks. Please note that we do not have any way to lock up skateboards and/or rollerblades, etc.; thus, we ask that students avoid skateboarding to and from campus as these items do not contribute to a safe environment inside classrooms. We also ask you to remind your child to walk their bike, scooter, or skateboards on the sidewalks on campus to prevent any accidents with students exiting vehicles in the drop off. Reminder: students operating a bicycle, e-bikes, scooters, skateboard, or using roller skates must legally wear a bicycle helmet.
Breakfast/Entering Campus: Students are welcome to enter the campus (at the side gate only) for breakfast beginning at 8:20am. At 8:30am breakfast service ends and students may continue to eat or line up for class by 8:43am. To ensure the safety of our campus, all gates will close at 8:45am. Students arriving after 8:45 am will need to check in at the Front Office. For the safety of our students and staff, after the first day, families are asked to drop their students off at the gates
Health Office: Students with known allergies or health conditions that require medication, must have a medical authorization signed by your child’s physician. Paperwork and medication may be brought to the Health Office on the first day of school. All medication authorizations forms may be found on the PUSD website under Health Services. Please notify the health technician if your child has been casted due to a fracture or is recovering from a concussion. Safety and wellness are our number one priority!
Attendance: Every day counts and students must be present to fully participate. Should your child need to be absent, please call our attendance hotline or send an email. To assist with attendance, please review the PUSD District Calendar and plan vacation and travel accordingly.
Park Village
Attendance Phone (858) 538-0437
Office Main Line: (858) 484-5621
Park Village website link here
Park Village Foundation website link here
Park Village PTA website link here
We are looking forward to a fantastic year!
Amie Tillman